What is JMS Stylet-Oil?
Since 1977, JMS Flower Farms, Inc. has been providing both national and international farmers with safe and effective crop protection with their exclusive product line:
JMS Stylet-Oil and Organic JMS Stylet-Oil
Stylet-Oil is a technical grade white mineral oil labeled as an insecticide, fungicide and virus control product that has been formulated using the highest "Food Grade Quality" mineral oil. The oil is renowned for both its success rate on many different kinds of pests as well as its environmentally safe and pure formulation.
Growers throughout the world safely apply Stylet-Oil and successfully control a number of divergent pests including certain fungal diseases such as Powdery Mildew, Rust, Botrytis Bunch Rot and Black Spot. Stylet-Oil also offers pest control on harmful insects such as plant feeding Mites, Scale, Leafrollers, Psylla, Whiteflies, Mealybugs, and Leafminers. Stylet-Oil also helps prevent many aphid-borne plant viruses.
JMS Stylet-Oil is sprayed extensively on grapes, tree fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and citrus. JMS Flower Farms is proud to offer both Home & Garden and Commercial users around the world a highly refined, superior technical grade White Mineral Oil that is safe to use on most crops without effecting flavor, taste or quality.
Please feel free to Contact Us with any questions.

Dr. John Simons
JMS Stylet-Oil was brought to the market during the mid-1970’s by Dr. John Simons after conducting years of research in a virus screening program while working for Ciba-Geigy Corporation. The discovery that mineral oil could safely and effectively interfere with the transmission of poty viruses by winged aphids was a breakthrough for virus-plagued vegetable growers in south Florida. Dr. Simons (“Jack to his many friends”) founded JMS Flower Farms in 1977 and served as President until 2002. Dr. Simons’ philosophy of providing safe and efficacious high quality mineral oil products to meet today’s agricultural needs is still our number one priority.